Posted on 4:06 AM by prajeesh and filed under ,
In some applications we may need to reset all controls in using a single "Reset" button click, here is the c# code to achieve this.

public static void ResetControls(ControlCollection pagecontrols, bool txtbox, bool dropdownlist, bool label)
foreach (Control cntrl in pagecontrols)
foreach (Control mycontrols in cntrl.Controls)
if (txtbox)
if (mycontrols is TextBox)
(mycontrols as TextBox).Text = string.Empty;
if (dropdownlist)
if (mycontrols is DropDownList)
(mycontrols as DropDownList).SelectedIndex = 0;
if (label)
if (mycontrols is Label)
(mycontrols as Label).Text = string.Empty;

We can call this function using following format if you want to clear all controls except label

FormControl.ResetControls(this.Controls, true, true, false);

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