Posted on 4:36 AM by prajeesh and filed under , ,
If you want to track or analyze who is accessing your website you can achieve this by capture the IP address of an incoming connection to your aspx page,in ASP.net it is easy.
Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] will return the ip address of the user


Lblipaddress.Text = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];

suppose Lblipaddress is a label you want show ipaddress
You can log these values to a file or some other external program as you need to. it will NOT tell you how long they stayed at any one oage or what page they are currently viewing, just when their browser asked the server for the page.If you want a detailed analytics about the visitors by showing state,city,time spent and graphical statistics you can use
Google Analytics service offered by google.
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