Posted on 12:10 PM by prajeesh and filed under , ,
I am working with IPIX Solutions Pvt Ltd , one of the leading web design company in india.
We are a widely established web design company offering an extensive range of customized products for all your web related needs. We provide well-organized ecommerce website design solutions and development services according to the existing business and client’s needs that help to grab more customers. Our capabilities and experience will assist you to launch any type of website with all the latest technologies and best SEO. IPIX Solutions’ main services include:
Domain Registration & Hosting
Web Designing
Web Application Development
E-commerce Solutions
Flash Development
Multimedia & Graphic Solutions
Search Engine Optimization

click here for all you web development related inquiries Shout it kick it on DotNetKicks.com
Posted on 11:43 AM by prajeesh and filed under ,
Here is the quick fix to solve design breakage problem in IE 8 browser.

<meta content="IE=EmulateIE7?" equiv="X-UA-Compatible"/>
you can add this tag in all web pages you want to fix temporarily, but i recommend you manually fix the errors later as IE8 is going to be a leading browser using full power of css 3.0.
or you can also use following tag to fix in all popular browsers
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8;FF=3;Opera=9;Konqueror=3;Safari=3" /> Shout it kick it on DotNetKicks.com
Posted on 11:46 PM by prajeesh and filed under
If you are a new user of SQL Server 2008 you probably got Save (Not Permitted) Dialog Box while trying to add or delete columns of a table, message content will be like this
"saving changes is not permitted because the changes you have made require the listed tables to be dropped and re-created", i found the solution to avoid this message today in MSDN while searching the same.
To change this option, on the Tools menu, click Options, expand Designers, and then click Table and Database Designers. Select or clear the Prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created check box. Shout it kick it on DotNetKicks.com
Posted on 4:23 AM by prajeesh and filed under ,
Some situations it becomes necessary that the data that to be populated to a gridview or any other controls not directly come from a single function but we have to get it from some other source, like from multiple functions, a file system, or other sources. In such ssituations you can populate the DataSet or DataTable in your ASP.NET web page programmatically and then bind the web control with this data object.
Here i would like to explain a simple method to achieve this
DataTable dtHome = new DataTable();

Now we have successfully created a data table with empty rows with string data type fields, in next step we have to add rows in the data table.
Now we have added a single row to the data table, you can use this datatable to populate a grid view or other data presentation controls, it will display a single row of data.
GridView1.DataSource = dtHome;

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Posted on 11:34 AM by prajeesh and filed under ,
Sending e-mails is an essential feature needed in most of the websites, .net framework supplies a SMTP class that enables you to send simple e-mails. If you have to send an e-mail with additional features, you have to make use of the MailMessage class. With the help of this class, you can insert attachments, set priorities etc..very easily. You can also send HTML e-mail using MailMessage class. To send an e-mail using asp.net, you should have access to a server with .net Framework and SMTP enabled on it.
1. Sending a simple e-mail using SMTP
First we need to import the System.Web.Mail namespace.
using System.Web.Mail;
Synatax for sending a simple e-mail message :
SmtpMail.Send("sender@testmail.com","recipient@testmail.com", "Test e-mail

2.Sending e-mail using MailMessage class
Instead of supplying all parameters in the Send() method, you can define properties and values separately by creating an instance of the MailMessage class. using MailMessage class, you can easily add attachments, set priorities, BCC, CC values and other additional features.
MailMessage objEmail = new MailMessage();
objEmail.To = "recipient@test-email.com";
objEmail.From = "sender@test-email.com";
objEmail.Cc = "recipientcc@test-email.com";
objEmail.Subject = "Test Email";
objEmail.Body = "This is a test email message";
objEmail.Priority = MailPriority.High;

Response.Write("your mail has been sent");

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "localhost"
catch (Exception ex)
Response.Write("Mail sending failed: " + ex.ToString());

If you want to send mails in HTML format, include following code also
objEmail.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html;
Adding Attachements to emails:
MailAttachment MyAttachment
objEmail.Attachments.Add()= new MailAttachment("C:\\My Folder\\MyFile.txt");

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Posted on 10:43 PM by prajeesh and filed under ,
The meta tags are essential part of the Search Engine Optimization, meta tags are used to provide keywords in web pages. When you are doing a CMS project, it is necessory to add keywords from control panel for each page, Now in ASP.NET 2.0 and above, you can add these meta tags programmatically. The HtmlMeta class provides programmatic access to the HTML <meta> element on the server. The HTML <meta>element is a container for data about the rendered page, but not page content itself.
The Name property of HtmlMeta provides the property name and the Content property is used to specify the property value. The Scheme property to specify additional information to user agents on how to interpret the metadata property and the HttpEquiv property in place of the Name property when the resulting metadata property will be retrieved using HTTP.
For Pages Not using Master Pages:
private void CreateMetaTags()
HtmlMeta hm = new HtmlMeta();
HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
hm.Name = "Keywords";
hm.Content = "keywords,asp.net, c# help";

For Pages Using Master Pages:
The solution to this is to first provide an id to your Head Tag in Master Page :
< head runat="server" id="masterHead">
Now add the following code to page_load event of the requires page

//Find the Head Tag in Master Page
HtmlHead hdMaster = (HtmlHead)Page.Master.FindControl("masterHead");
HtmlMeta htmMeta = new HtmlMeta();
htmMeta.Attributes.Add("content", "this is test content for meta description");
//Add Meta Tag to Head
//Adding keyword Meta Tag to Head Section
HtmlMeta hm2 = new HtmlMeta();
hm2.Attributes.Add("name", "keywords");
hm2.Attributes.Add("content", "asp.net,meta,keywords,dynamically,masterpage"); hdMaster.Controls.Add(hm2); Shout it kick it on DotNetKicks.com
Posted on 9:55 AM by prajeesh and filed under ,
The usual workaround for this purpose is loopthrough the rows in the Data Reader and assign each rows to Data Table, This is a time consuming process.
But Dot Net 2.0 and above provides a new DataTable.Load() as a quicker solution.
Here is the method
DataTable.Load(IDataReader); Shout it kick it on DotNetKicks.com